These kids give me a breath of fresh air on days where I'm feeling pooh-pooh. Thank God they come to hang out at the office, and thank God someone just gave a donation that allows them to eat three meals a week at our office instead of one! That means... MORE JOY FOR RACH (and more food for the kids - this is obviously the better outcome, but I'm still happy).

And here are the kids having fun with Jaqueline, the cook and women's counselor. You have NO idea how many takes of these photos I took with them. Non-stop giggle craziness.

They like it the best though when I actually let THEM use the cameras to take pictures of me. Oh boy... What was I thinking?! But - the squeals of joy post-picture taking was worth it. I'm still laughing.
It's Portrait time.... They organized a line for portrait-taking, like school photos.

SO AMAZING. I LOVE THESE CHILDREN!!!!!!! Thank you God for giving me automatic smiles every time I hear their little screams outside of my office windows.
Oh my GOSH so so cute. It's amazing, isn't it, how much little kids can make you happy??